Special Board of Directors Meeting

November 29, 2016


CALL TO ORDER – President, David Miller, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. at the Miller home.

                Members present:  David Miller, Larry Johnson, Gil Nickles, Kevin Johnson, Jim Colgan, Holly Minter, Bill Rush, Jan Rusher. 

President David Miller called this special meeting to discuss removing the sycamore tree on the north side easement of The Twin Creeks Villas entry gate.  Bids ranging from $6,880, $6,700, $4,200 and $2,000 were received.  The Board thoroughly discussed the two lower bids.

MOTION:  Larry Johnson moved, Jim Colgan seconded a motion to hire L & T Tree Service to remove the sycamore tree.

                Vote:  Yes-Larry Johnson, Jim Colgan, Bill Rush, Jan Rusher

                           No- Holly Minter

                            Abstain-Kevin Johnson and Gil Nickles


                In further discussion, the board recommends stump grinding at a cost up to $400 and traffic control as needed at approximate cost of $685. 

ADJOURN:  The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Janice Rusher, Secretary for the TCV HoA Board of Directors