Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2017


CALL TO ORDER – President Kevin Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at his home.  All current Board members were present.

MINUTES – The minutes of the January 16, 2017, were unanimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer J. B. Barrett presented the Board with copies of the P&L Budget v. Actual, Balance Sheet, P&L YTD Comparison.  Documents attached to Minutes.  Bill Gagle motioned to accept the report, Dave Miller seconded, and motion carried.  Treasurer Barrett also requested guidelines for issuing HOA checks.  Discussion yielded instructions, following:  1.  Any amount over $500.00 would necessitate consulting another Board member, most likely Dave Miller or Gil Nickles, and; 2. No payments will be issued to any homeowner presenting an invoice for repair and/or maintenance of any HOA common properties.  The affected homeowner(s) shall report such issues to Gil Nickles or Dave Miller, who will then make a determination if it is a legitimate HOA problem and they will be solely responsible for contracting workmen to fix the problem and for directing Treasurer Barrett to disburse payment.


                Architectural & Trees – Vice-President Miller would like to draft a letter to all TCV homeowners asking if they would be willing to make a contribution toward purchasing trees as part of a beautification project on the HOA property fronting Mingo.   First, the members of the Committee for that project (Jan Rusher, Chair, Linda Pat Colgan, Marilyn Miller, Georgia Rush and Karen Gagle) will need to present a plan for recommendation and approval.

Landmark/LawnAmerica – LawnAmerica  will continue their lawn applications and Landmark is scheduled to begin mowing on Thursdays.

Gate – Bill Gagle, Chairman, will handle any repair/maintenance issues, and Michael Bennett will continue gate programming needs.

Welcoming – The Committee has planned a block party/picnic for the neighborhood to be held May 12, rain date May 19, and has issued invitations requesting participants to bring a dish to share, a chair and a beverage of their choosing.  Expenses for hamburgers and hot dogs will be paid from HOA treasury.  Event will be held in the Miller/Williams corner, and Dave Miller will be Chef.





ADJOURN -  The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Carolyn Fuchs, Secretary for the TCV Board