Board of Directors Meeting

July 13, 2015

CALL TO ORDER:  President, David Miller, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. at the Miller home.

Members Present:  David Miller, Bill Rush, Michael Bennett, Jim Colgan, Larry Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Gil Nickles, Holly Minter, Jan Rusher.

MINUTES:   Larry Johnson moved, Jim Colgan seconded motion to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2015 regular board meeting , May 4, 2015 special meeting, and e-mail vote taken on May 7, 2015.  MOTION PASSED.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Bill Rush, Treasurer, distributed the Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2015; P & L Budget vs Actual, January through June, 2015; P & L YTD Comparison June, 2015.  (ATTACHED)

Treasurer Rush called attention to receipt of $950 HOA dues for 2015 from Mr. Fugate, owner/investor of the property at 9644 E. 119th Pl., S., noting  the TCV By-laws call for payment of interest and finance charges accrued.

 Jim Colgan moved, Holly Minter seconded a motion to accept the $950 as full payment owed on the property and the TCV HOA write off the 2014 unpaid dues along with interest accrued for 2014 and 2015.  MOTION PASSED

Treasurer Rush also reported invoice from Landmark charging $202 for removal of tree damage on the Mingo side of common fence.  Larry Johnson moved, Gil Nickles seconded motion to pay Landmark $202 for the services.  MOTION PASSED


                                Architectural Committee:  Larry Johnson will contact arborist to give opinion on status of the damaged tree on Mingo along with other trees on our common property.  Larry will report back with recommendations and cost.

                                Landmark/Lawn America:  Kevin Johnson – no report, everything on schedule.

                                Streets:  Kevin Johnson reported attempt to contact  Brashears Seal Coating to repair street cracks as per April estimate of $995.  His inquiry was received by voicemail stating they are very busy at this time.  Board agreed waiting for response, with occasional follow up calls to get the job done before winter. 

                                Seasonal Planting: Kevin Johnson reported everything in order and within approved budget.    Jim Colgan will follow up with Christmas decorations for the entry with estimate for installation, storage and removal of lighting.

                                Fence:  Jim Colgan reported  investigation/inspection with Gil Nickles on the fence.  Their findings and recommendations include upkeep and repair, citing damage due to lawn weed whip.  Some pickets need to be replaced, along with other repairs and repainting.  They recommend preventive maintenance as a means to keep the existing fence in service for another estimated five to seven years.  Jim and Gil will get estimates on cost to make recommended repairs, including materials and handyman services.   They will report at next regular meeting.  

                                Gate:   Michael Bennett – no report.  Holly Minter now has capability to operate gate from her computer as does Mike. 

                                Welcome Committee:   Jan Rusher reported visiting new neighbors, Dave & Darlene Demuth with Marilyn Miller.  A thank you note was received for the rum cake (Marilyn) and visit. 



ANNOUNCEMENTS – President Miller announced desire to stay with quarterly board meetings.  The next meeting should fall in October .

ADJOURN – With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Jan Rusher, Secretary for the TCV Board of Directors