Twin Creek Villas

Board of Meeting

April 6th, 2015


I.            CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by President David Miller at 6:00 p.m.  Members present: Michael Bennett, Jim Colgan, Kevin Johnson, Larry Johnson, Holley Minter, and Gil Nickles Absent:  Jan Rusher.


II.         MINUTES of January 27th meeting were approved.


III.      Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rusher presented the report by discussing the P&L statement, and balance sheet.  Motion was made by Jim Colgan and seconded by Larry Johnson to approve the two financial documents.  Discussion was held on the Fugate property regarding the outstanding dues.  Mr. Rush had sent Mr. Fugate and invoice for the outstanding dues but he feels he does not owe them.  The Board feels that he does owe them and asked Mr. Rush to contact Mr. Fugate one more time and that Homeowners Association will file a lien on the property should he pay the amount owed.


IV.       Architectural Report –Gil Nickles and Larry Johnson reported they have been investigating the cost of repainting mail boxes.  They have found a company who will repaint the mail boxes for $125.00.  This includes the painter coming the individual residences to remove the existing mail box and taking them back to his facility for the painting.  The Board agreed this would be voluntary for those who want to have their box repainted.  Several boxes, especially those that were not powder coated at the time of installation, have begun to fade.  The Board will provide all homeowners with the appropriate information for their consideration. The painting style will be consistent with the current boxes.


V.         Landmark/Lawn America – Kevin Johnson reported Landmark will be scalping the lawns Friday April 10th Lawn spraying by Lawn America will be on the same schedule as last year.


VI.      Fence – Jim Colgan report on the condition of the fence.  The outside fence along Mingo needs power washing and painting – although everyone agreed no time schedule was set for the project.  Discussion was held on the neighbor association taking over maintenance responsibilities of the exterior portion of the fences that run East and West on 119th Street and 119th Place. A motion was made by Mr. Colgan and seconded by Bill Rush. The motion was approved.


VII.          Streets – Kevin Johnson reported on the condition of the streets.  Several cracks are in need of repair. Mr. Johnson will contact the vendor used in the past to fill in the cracks.


VIII.       Gate – Michael Bennett and Holly Minter reported no issues.


IX.       Website – Mr. Bennett reported on issues.


X.          Welcoming Committee – Jan Rusher, Linda Pat Colgan, and Marilyn Miller to develop a process to welcome new neighbors. 


XI.      Seasonal/Holiday Decorations – Jim reported that we need to purchase new lights,



XII.           Old Business – Mike Bennett discussed the Welcome Packet.  Everyone agree the packed is an excellent way to provide new homeowners with appropriate information about the neighbor.  Mr. Bennett was complimented on the excellent job he did in developing the packet.


XIII.        New Business – It was agreed that annual dues invoice will in the future will be mailed.  Several offered to help Bill Rush with the mailing.


XIV.       With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.